::: UHF participa en / UHF takes part in LA NOCHE DE LOS LIBROS MUTANTES ::: Conferencia y debate / Lecture and debate ::: La Casa Encendida ::: Ronda Valencia, 2 28012 Madrid ::: 18:00 :::
Surgidos en la más absoluta independencia creativa, institucional y comercial, los libros mutantes nacen, crecen y se reproducen a lo largo y ancho del planeta. Una noche al año, abandonan sus reinos subterráneos y se apropian de las calles de Madrid gracias a sus terribles superpoderes: papel, fotocopias, fotografías, grapas y una vocación artística inmune a los virus de la cultura oficial.
Esta web es un archivo online de libros mutantes, un criadero de subversiones, un registro de alimañas editoriales de vocación viral y alcance transnacional.
+ info:
Libros Mutantes
27 de abril de 2011
22 de abril de 2011
110422 - Yale: final reviews. Spring 2011. Yale School of Architecture
::: Final reviews. Spring 2011 ::: Yale School of Architecture ::: 494b, Undergraduate Senior Design Studio ::: Stephen Harris and Tom Zook ::: Friday 22nd April 2011 ::: 4th Floor ::: 1:00-5:00pm

::: Guests ::: Uriel Fogué, Bimal Mendis, Emmanuel Petit, Alec Purves, Robert A. M. Stern ::: 180 York Street. New Heaven. CT 0652 :::
[Image: Robert A. M. Stern, Alec Purves, Uriel Fogué and student during the reviews]

::: Guests ::: Uriel Fogué, Bimal Mendis, Emmanuel Petit, Alec Purves, Robert A. M. Stern ::: 180 York Street. New Heaven. CT 0652 :::
[Image: Robert A. M. Stern, Alec Purves, Uriel Fogué and student during the reviews]
21 de abril de 2011
110421 - Opening Party Van Alen Books, NY
::: ¡UHF en Van Alen Books NY! / UHF at Van Alen Books NY! ::: UHF asiste a la inauguración de la librería / UHF assists to the opening of the bookshop ::: Jueves 21 de Abril de 2011 / Thursday 21st April 2011 ::: 7-9pm ::: 30 W. 22nd Street. Groundfloor. Between 5th and 6th Ave ::: A partir del lunes 25 de Abril de 2011 puede conseguir UHF en Van Alen Books / From Monday 25th April you can get your UHF at Van Alen Books :::
[Imágenes de la inauguración / Picts from the Opening]
[Imágenes de la inauguración / Picts from the Opening]
20 de abril de 2011
::: Uriel Fogué attends to a Pin-Up Review at Columbia University ::: Unit: Gristina Goberna ::: Wednesday 20th April 2011 ::: 3-7pm Avery Bd :::
18 de abril de 2011
::: BORDERLESS ::: Session 2: 100% Analog ::: What is unique about communicating design? :::
::: Latin America has shown to be also a context where borders between disciplines, nations and language seem to have been over passed by the new architectural and design practices and modes of communication ::: Borderless is a 3-series event to address the emerging and more established means of communication that Latin America is using, reusing and introducing to create, curate and talk about design: digital, analog, performance ::: Is this second session we will be addressing the role of the editor, the index of a more and more multidimensional society, the democratization of media, and the use of media to create design and collaborative practices from the perspective of publishers. How relevant is the curatorial space for design in Latin America, especially within a context where access and exposure to a global network has so far been limited? :::
Guest speakers:
::: Lars Muller :::
Was born in Oslo in 1955, and although a Norwegian citizen, has been based in Switzerland since 1963. After an apprenticeship as a graphic designer and some years as a peripatetic student in the United States and Holland, Lars Muller returned to Switzerland in 1982 and established his studio in Baden. Since 1996, he has been a partner of Integral Concept, an interdisciplinary design group active in Paris, Milan, Zurich, Berlin, and Montreal. Muller started publishing books on typography, design, art, photography, and architecture in 1983 and, as Lars Muller Publishers, has produced some 300 titles to date. Recently, he has branched out into visually oriented books on social issues, such as human rights and ecology. He is a passionate educator and has taught at various universities in Switzerland and elsewhere in Europe. Since 2009 he has been a guest lecturer at Harvard's Graduate School of Design. Lars Muller is a member of AGI Alliance Graphique Internationale.
::: Bill Saunders :::
Founding editor of Harvard Design Magazine (HDM) at the Harvard GSD. He is author of Modern Architecture: Photographs by Ezra Stoller and editor of several books including Urban Design (with Alex Krieger); Nature, Landscape, and Building for Sustainability; The New Architectural Paradigm; Judging Architectural Value; Urban Planning Today; Sprawl and Suburbia; and Commodificaciton and Spectable in Architecture, as well as articles on Rem Koolhaas writing judgment of architecture, Christopher Alexander's writing, and poetry of the 1960's and 1970's. Saunders is currently preparing the next issue of HDM which will be on Latin America.
::: Uriel Fogué :::
Architect from the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, ETSAM. Since 2004 runs a platform of architectonic operations that integrates 4 main fields: (1) Teaching. Architectural Projects Design in several universities since 2001 including the Universidad Europea de Madrid, Universidad de Alicante, Instituto de Arquitectura Avanzada de Cataluna IAAC, Universidad Camilo Jose Cela, the Fundacion Mies van der Rohe, and ETSAM. (2) Research. Co-founder of the group (Inter)section of Philosophy and Architecture. Uriel completed two MPhil degrees from Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, and UNED University. (3) Comunication. Co-founder of the collective UHF - Association for contemporary investigation and co-editor of the publication UHF since 1998. Curator of the courses and exhibitions PopUp! and SoUp! (FUCOAM, 2004-05) and the exhibitions Post Post Post (CCBA, Buenos Aires, 2010) and Editorial Cocktail (Museo de Antioquia, Medellin, 2010). Constant contributor to various magazines and books. (4) Practice. Co-director of elii architecture office - currently develops several architecture and urban works and researches. His awards include the 2005 FAD prize, and in 2006 the Distinction of the Official College of Architects.
::: This event is free and open to the public :::For more information visit: http://www.gsd.harvard.edu/research/publications/hdm/
For event details contact: Paola Aguirre (paguirre@gsd.harvard.edu)
[Debate, GSD, 18th April 2011]
16 de abril de 2011
::: UHF en / UHF in Dfest Festival 2011 ::: Matadero Madrid ::: 13:00h Conferencia / Lecture ::: 17:00-19:30h Workshop Do It Yourself experience, dirigido por / directed by Carlos Palacios e Ignacio Ontiveros ::: Organizado por / Organized by No.Zines ::: Invitados / Guests: Autoplacer Sindicalistas, Barriobajero, Brumaria, Ediciones Puré, El Instante Decisivo, ¡JA!, Negocios raros, No.Zines (Eva Solano & Luján Marcos), Script y UHF ::: Video :::
[Material en proceso del taller / Workshop in progress]
[Material en proceso del taller / Workshop in progress]
15 de abril de 2011
110415 - Pin-Up Review at Penn University
::: Uriel Fogué will attend to a Pin-Up Review at Penn University School of Design ::: Friday 15th April 2011 ::: Unit: Eduardo Cadaval :::
3 de abril de 2011
::: UHF participa en PRIMERA NECESIDAD: ¡LIBROS! / UHF takes part in BASIC NEED: BOOKS! ::: un proyecto de / a project by RMS, LA ASOCIACIÓN + THE OFFICE (Maribel López) ::: dentro de / belongs to “Jugada a 3 bandas: galerías de arte + comisarios + artistas” creado por / created by Virginia Torrente ::: Inauguración: sábado, 2 de abril, de 12 a 15 h. / Opening: Saturday 2nd April 2011 from 12-3pm ::: Dónde / Location: C/ Antonio Pirala, 17. 28017 - MADRID :::
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