30 de noviembre de 2017
29 de noviembre de 2017
Yojigen Poketto >>> More With Less! :::
28 de noviembre de 2017
22 de noviembre de 2017
::: Los próximos 23 y 24 de noviembre participaremos en el Worksho Internacional ‘Circling the Square: Re-designing nature-cultures in a changing urban climate’ en TU Munich. Nuestra presentación se titulará: Urban Pets and Open Black Boxes: Political Ecology Matters in Squares / Next November 23rd and 24th we shall be taking part in the International Workshop ‘Circling the Square: Re-designing nature-cultures in a changing urban climate’ at TU Munich. Our contribution will be entitled: Urban Pets and Open Black Boxes: Political Ecology Matters in Squares :::
“The aim of this presentation is to explore new ways of integrating technology, nature and infrastructures into squares. This is done through case studies which are presented as models to explore a novel urban political ecology, and a way to unfold what we could possibly call a cosmopolitical design. […] ”
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About Circling the Square…
Urban planners, architects and designers are increasingly confronted with highly complex socio-ecological dynamics and challenges. These do not just involve new levels of vulnerability caused by heat island effect and anthropogenic climate change. Cities have also become refugiums for many species which flee habitat loss, agrochemicals and monoculture deserts, while globalized “invasive” species are showing the limits of techno-scientific control in more and more frequently destabilizing urban green infrastructures.
Public squares and parks play a central role in current efforts to meet these socioecological challenges. However, our imaginations of what squares should be, our analytical models of their uses and functions, are still profoundly anchored in modern conceptions and divides between nature and culture, the technical and the social, the urban and the rural, the public and the private: technological infrastructures are to be held invisible, “nature” has to be ornamental and provide ecological services, public life should not be dirtied with traces of productive activities, etc.
In the workshop, we would like to initiate a conversation with architects, designers and social scientists interested in circling the square, in sharing projects, experiences and reflections on how to attempt what seems impossible: to reimagine the public squares of our cities beyond the modern constitution and explore alternative conceptualizations of urban squares and/or approaches to designing within socio- ecological assemblages.
We welcome contributions that in one way or another relate to the following issues, although we are open and interested in other lines of reflection:
Scientific Comittee
• Prof. Dr. phil. Ignacio Farías, MCTS, TUM
• Prof. Dipl. Ing. Regine Keller, LAO, TUM
• MSc. Elisabeth Rathjen
• M.A. Felix Remter, MCTS, TUM

21 de noviembre de 2017
20 de noviembre de 2017
17 de noviembre de 2017
171116 - UNFINISHED - Santo Domingo
::: Se inaugura en Santo Domingo la exposición UNFINISHED, Pabellón de España de la 15- Mostra Internazionale di Architettura – La Biennale di Venezia, en el Centro Cultural de España, Casas del XVI, República Dominicana, donde se incluye el proyecto Biombombastic / The exhibition UNFINISHED, Spanish Pavillion at the 15- Mostra Internazionale di Architettura – La Biennale di Venezia, opens at the Centro Cultural de España, Casas del XVI, República Dominicana, including our project Biombombastic ::: Toda la información en nuestra web / More information at our website:
15 de noviembre de 2017
7 de noviembre de 2017
::: Nuevo proyecto terminado! / New project fnished! ::: 097 · Yojigen Poketto ::: "Bolsillo de la cuarta dimensión". Reforma integral de un apartamento en Madrid / “4D Pocket”. Complete refurbishment of an apartment in Madrid ::: Vídeo y fotos / Video and photos: ImagenSubliminal (Miguel de Guzmán + Rocío Romero) :::
+ info:
+ info:
6 de noviembre de 2017
Prototipos arquitectónicos: espacios para el ensayo / Architecture prototypes: spaces for test/rehearse
::: Esta tarde impartiremos la conferencia “Prototipos arquitectónicos: espacios para el ensayo” en el dentro del máster MPAA9 · Colab Taller de Prototipado / ‘Architecture prototypes: spaces for test/rehearse’ is the name of our lecture this afternoon at the master MPAA9 · Colab Taller de Prototipado ::: Profesores: Almudena Ribot y Diego García-Setién. Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid. ETSAM / Teachers: Almudena Ribot and Diego García-Setién. Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid. ETSAM :::
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2 de noviembre de 2017
171031 - Encuentro con estudiantes de Princeton
::: El martes 31 de octubre participamos en el Encuentro con estudiantes de Princeton, organizado por Cristina Díaz Moreno y Efrén García Grinda / Next Tuesday October 31st we take part in the Encounter with students of Princeton University, organised by Cristina Díaz Moreno y Efrén García Grinda ::: A las 15:30, en la ETSAMadrid / 3:30pm at ETSAMadrid :::
::: El próximo martes 31 de octubre estaremos acompañando a Enric Llorach, junto a María Jesús Muñoz Pardo, Lucila Urda, Almudena López Villalba y Fernando Quesada, en la presentación de su libro "En el filo de la navaja" / Next Tuesday October 31st we shall be acompanying Enric Llorach, with María Jesús Muñoz Pardo, Lucila Urda, Almudena López Villalba and Fernando Quesada, in the presentation of his book "En el filo de la navaja" ::: Actividad organizada por el Doctorado en Comunicación Arquitectónica (DOCA) de la ETSAMadrid / Activity organised by Doctorado en Comunicación Arquitectónica (DOCA) of the ETSAMadrid ::: ¡Os esperamos! / We expect you! ::: 12.30 h. Martes 31 de octubre. ETSAM (Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid). Aula de Estudios Planta 2ª. Avda. Juan de Herrera, 4 (Madrid) Ver más — en ETSAMadrid / 12.30 h. Tuesday Octuber 31st. ETSAM (Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid). Aula de Estudios Planta 2ª. Avda. Juan de Herrera, 4 (Madrid) Ver más — en ETSAMadrid.
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