::: Estudiar la práctica del diseño conlleva de manera simultánea implicaciones políticas y, en particular, una suerte de política centrada en los objetos
/ To study the practical course of design means to be simultaneously involved in the subject of politics and in the particular sort of politics that is centred on objects :::
Politics of Design International Workshop :::
Uriel Fogué (Architecture Agency) +
Fernando D. Rubio (CRESC) presentarán el paper /
Uriel Fogué (Architecture Agency) + Fernando D. Rubio (CRESC) will present the following paper:
‘General Vara del Rey Square: An experimental design for the construction of cosmopolitical neighborhoods’ :::
Ponentes principales / Keynote speakers:
Andrew Barry (Oxford University) y
/ and Alejandro Zaera (FOA, London and Princeton University) ::: Resto de participantes
/ Other speakers: Burak Asiliskender (Erciyes University); Marten Boekelo (University of Amsterdam); Ralf Brand (University of Manchester) and Sara Fregonese (Royal Holloway University of London); Vincent Calay (Université Libre de Bruxelles); Jeffrey Chan (University of California-Berkeley); Nora Colden (University of Leipzig); Julie Crawshaw (University of Manchester); Bart de Zwart (Eindhoven University of Technology); Steven Dorrestijn (University of Twente); Isabelle Doucet (University of Manchester); Ignacio Farías (Social Science Research Center Berlin); Ulrik Jørgensen (Danish Technical University); Tahl Kaminer (Delft School of Design); Andrew Karvonen (University of Manchester); Denisa Kera (National University of Singapore); Florian Kossak and Tatjana Schneider (University of Sheffield); Adrian Mackenzie (Lancaster University); Alvise Mattozzi (Iuav University of Venice); A.M. (Hanneke) Miedema (Wageningen University); Kathryn Moore (Birmingham City University); Leon Morenas (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute); Maria Prieto (University of Navarra); Charles Rice (University of Technology Sydney); Kristine Samson (Roskilde University); Robert Schmidt III, Toru Eguchi, and Dan Sage (Loughborough University); Cristiano Storni (University of Limerick); Ann Thorpe (Open University); Marc Tuters (University of Amsterdam); Stefan White (Manchester School of Architecture) and Albena Yaneva (University of Manchester) :::
The Manchester Architecture Research Centre (MARC) ::: 24-25 de junio de 2010 / 24-25th June 2010 :::
+ info:
Politics of Design
The University of Manchester
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